
måndag 18 februari 2013

Cold as ice

Darkness is eating me up inside
I got nowhere to run and nowhere to hide
The safety of your arms were taken away
Now I feel lost and stray
For a moment when I close my eyes
I forget the words and the feeling of lies
True love and soulmate
You were my faith
Stop cheating myself with this
Just forget the amazing kiss
The kiss of perfection that was so sweet
All that my heart ached for in a timeless beat
The love of your life, how can you forget
The most amazing woman you've ever met
These were the words you said
Everywhere not just in bed
Darkness is eating me inside and out
My voice is dead I can't even shout
It hurts, I'm dead, I'm stone cold
My soul is gone, it is now sold
My heart is ripped into pieces and bits
I'm now the queen of ice and on the throne : "there she sits"

Cold as ice -the darkness is eating her up, inside and out

2 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. Nej det är väl så livet är... Upp... Och ner... Och förhoppningsvis upp igen...


Skriv nåt trevligt så blir jag glad =)